F# Update with Philip Carter
F# turns five - not five years old (it's more than ten years old!) - but version five! Carl and Richard talk to Phillip Carter from the F# team about what's coming in F# 5. Phillip talks about the past few years of F# being focused on getting fully onboard with .NET Core - and now is the time to go further. The conversation dives into adding capabilities to interactive mode of F# including working easily in Jupyter Notebooks. More ability to manipulate data means more power for all of us, check it out!

Phillip Carter
Phillip Carter is a senior program manager on the .NET team. He works on all things F#: language design, compiler, library, tools, and docs. He also works on the C# compiler and .NET project integration tooling for Visual Studio. In his spare time, he's riding a bike or on a mountain hiking or riding a snowboard.
- fireflies.ai https://fireflies.ai/
- F# https://dotnet.microsoft.com/languages/fsharp
- Phillip's Blog Post on F# 5 https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/f-5-and-f-tools-update-for-june/
- F# Online Compiler https://repl.it/languages/fsharp
- Giraffe https://github.com/giraffe-fsharp/Giraffe
- Sauve.io https://suave.io/
- Saturn Framework https://saturnframework.org/
- Falco https://github.com/pimbrouwers/falco
- Jupyter Notebooks https://jupyter.org/