Xamarin Forms to Maui with Gerald Versluis
Xamarin Forms 5 is being replaced by .NET Maui - what's a mobile dev to do? Carl and Richard talk to Gerald Versluis about what to expect from .NET Maui and what to expect when migrating your Xamarin Forms apps. There are going to be some changes, and you can expect support for Xamarin Forms to end sometime in 2022. Gerald talks about how the skill sets are similar, so the move isn't too hard - and its still worthwhile to learn and build in Xamarin Forms today!
Gerald Versluis
Gerald Versluis (@jfversluis) is a software engineer at Microsoft from the Netherlands. With years of experience working with Azure, ASP.NET, DevOps, Xamarin, and other .NET technologies, he has been involved in a number of different projects and has been building several real-world apps and solutions. Not only does he like to code, but he is also passionate about spreading his knowledge – as well as gaining some in the bargain. Gerald involves himself in speaking, providing training sessions, and writing blogs (https://blog.verslu.is) or articles, live coding, and contributing to open-source projects in his spare time. Twitter: @jfversluis | Website: https://gerald.verslu.is
- The .NET Show thedotnetshow.com
- DevIntersection https://devintersection.com/#!/?track=dev
- You, Me, and PD (Parkinson's Disease) https://youmeandpd.org/
- Entangled Things https://www.entangledthings.com/
- Xamarin.Forms https://dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/xamarin/xamarin-forms
- Xamarin Essentials https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/essentials/
- .NET Maui on GitHub https://github.com/dotnet/maui
- Windows UI Library 3 - Project Reunion https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/winui/winui3/
- Blazor Mobile Bindings https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/mobile-blazor-bindings/
- Flutter https://flutter.dev/
- .NET 6 Preview 2 https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/announcing-net-6-preview-2/