.NET Rocks!

Hexagonal Architectures in .NET with Ian Cooper

Episode #1071 Tuesday, December 9, 2014

While at NDC London, Carl and Richard talk to Ian Cooper about hexagonal architectures. Turns out the important part is not the six sides - it's the idea of ports and adapters. Originally talked about by Alistair Cockburn, this is an architectural approach that focuses on being tolerant to testing as well as separating commands from querying. It's not quite Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), but you can see it from there! Ian discusses testing in a hexagonal architecture and how Test Driven Development (TDD) works so well with the separation of concerns that ports and adapters offers. If you're working on a long lived application that needs to be maintainable, you should be looking at hexagonal architecture!


Ian Cooper

Ian Cooper has over 20 years of experience delivering Microsoft platform solutions in government, healthcare, and finance. During that time he has worked for the DTI, Reuters, Sungard, Misys, Beazley, and Huddle delivering everything from bespoke enterprise solutions, 'shrink-wrapped' products, and cloud services to thousands of customers. Ian is a passionate exponent of Software Craftsmanship and Agile Architecture. When he is not writing code he is also the founder of the London .NET user group and speaks at events throughout the UK.


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