Peter Vogel uses Code Generation
Peter Vogel talks about code generation pros, cons, technologies, and strategies from Visual Studio to T4

Peter Vogel
Peter Vogel (MBA, MCSD) is a principal in PH&V Information Services. PH&V specializes in the development of n-tier applications using .NET applications. PH&V's clients include Volvo, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, and Microsoft. He also writes the Practical ASP.NETcolumn for Visual Studio Magazine, along with feature articles on emerging .NET technologies. Peter's most recent book ("Practical Code Generation in .NET" from Addison-Wesley) is aimed at providing developers with the tools to incorporate code generation into their development toolkit. In addition to teaching for Learning Tree International, Peter wrote their ASP.NETand Technical Writing courses. He has written articles for every major magazine devoted to development with Microsoft tools. Peter also has presented at conferences around the world.