Failure Driven Development with Dustin Thostenson
How do you deal with failure? Carl and Richard talk to Dustin Thostenson about his experiences with failure and how they made him a better developer. The conversation starts out with a discussion of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and how that ultimately maps to our needs as developers as well. The needs build on each other, and you can have a higher-level need without a lower-level need being fulfilled. Dustin talks about how this hierarchy informs his understanding of a prospective employee during the interview. The questions you ask say a lot about who you are!

Dustin Thostenson
Dustin Thostenson is an independent .NET consultant leading Delta3Consulting. He has been a developer and trainer in the Des Moines, Iowa area for almost 2 decades. Experiences span from developer to educator to architecture and mentoring roles. To keep it interesting he helps lead the Iowa .NET User Group and volunteers in Central Iowa. To keep it real he spends time with his wife and 4 kids. To keep it random he tweets @dustinson.
- Top Ten Rules of Software Development
- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
- dsmHack
- Iowa .NET User Group
- Delta 3 Consulting