Hall and McWherter Test ASP.NET!
Ben Hall and Jeff McWherter talk with Carl and Richard about testing ASP.NET applications.

Ben Hall
Based in London, Ben Hall is the founder of Katacoda (Katacoda.com), an interactive learning and training platform for software engineers. Katacoda specializes in enabling developers to understand Cloud-Native technologies including Docker, Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift.

Jeff McWherter
Jeff McWherter is the Director of Simplicity at Web Ascender, a web consulting firm based in Okemos, Michigan. His lifelong interest in programming began with a Home Computing Magazine in 1983, which included an article about writing a game called Boa Alley in BASIC. Jeff currently lives in a farming community near Lansing, MI. When he is not in front of the computer he enjoys rock and ice climbing, and road trips with his wife and two dogs. Jeff is the Program Director and a founding member of the Greater Lansing Users for .Net (GLUG net), an Asp.NET MVP and ASP Insider.
- Book: Testing ASP.NET Web Applications (18xh) http://www.amazon.com/Testing-ASP-NET-Applications-Jeff-McWherter/dp/0470496649/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1251133274&sr=8-1
- Selenium Web Test Tools http://seleniumhq.org/
- Watin http://watin.sourceforge.net/