State of DevOps in .NET at NDC London
While at NDC in London, Carl and Richard moderated a panel of Ben Hall, Peter Mounce, Jeff French and Enrico Campidoglio to talk about the state of DevOps in the .NET world. While DevOps is going strong in the open source world, it is coming slowly to .NET. The panelists discuss their preferred toolchains for speeding deployment, testing and instrumentation of software, as well as the cultural changes that have happened in their organizations as an effect or demand of DevOps. The conversation also turns to looking at the tools Microsoft is building to support DevOps vs. the open source tools that are adding Windows and .NET support. There's still a long ways to go!

Ben Hall
Based in London, Ben Hall is the founder of Katacoda (, an interactive learning and training platform for software engineers. Katacoda specializes in enabling developers to understand Cloud-Native technologies including Docker, Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift.

Jeff French
Jeff French is an experienced developer with a passion for automation, software craftsmanship and good craft beer. A mild mannered developer by day and a hopeless technology junkie by night. He has extensive experience in web and mobile application development, deployment automation, and continuous delivery. He constantly strives to learn how new technologies can help solve real world problems. He has been a contributor to such open source projects as MVC Turbine, Shoelace-MVC and Octopus Deploy’s OctoPack. Jeff is an international speaker at technology conferences giving talks on DevOps, Continuous Delivery, Mobile and Web Development, Javascript frameworks and whatever else strikes his interest.

Enrico Campidoglio
Enrico Campidoglio is a freelance programmer, teacher and mentor with a strong passion for acquiring and sharing knowledge. If allowed, he'll talk for hours about software quality, the DevOps culture, the history of personal computing and mechanical keyboards. One topic he's particularly fond of is Git, which, as he discovered, combines two of his other passions: the Unix philosophy and source code history. Enrico speaks regularly at conferences and user groups, delivers workshops and produces online courses for Pluralsight. In his non-existent free time, he enjoys reading books about computer history, tinkering with his keyboards or going for a run. Enrico can be found online on his website at or on Twitter at @ecampidoglio.

Peter Mounce
Peter Mounce has worked in developer teams, an operations team, and been a generalist shipping software for JUST EAT since 2010 (with a few years doing that elsewhere first). He's lived through cultural and technological change and played a role in effecting it. Peter had a pivotal role in migrating the JUST EAT platfrom from a datacentre to the AWS cloud - consequently, they now do tens of deployments a week compared to a tens a year. He's automated systems, tests, servers, and in some cases himself. He has touched many parts of the platform and deluded himself that he does an OK job at that. Peter keeps busy; he snowboards, climbs, dives among other things. He lives in north London in a house that is continuously inhabited by builders doing something or other.
- Nuzii