Web Components with Cory House
Are you ready to build web pages with web components? Cory House is! Carl and Richard talk to Cory House about the web component specification and what that will look like in your modern web development. As Cory explains, the key idea behind web components is to provide a framework for Javascript library extensibility that doesn't force you to own the library yourself. While the standard is still being discussed, Cory mentions some libraries that have already gone ahead and implemented a variation of this extensibility, such as Steve Sanderson's amazing KnockoutJS. Web components make Javascript that much better to use!

Cory House
Cory is principal consultant at reactjsconsulting.com, where he helps teams transition to modern JavaScript and React. Cory is a Pluralsight author, Microsoft MVP, Software Architect, and international speaker. He has trained over 10,000 software developers at conferences and businesses worldwide. Cory has authored Pluralsight courses on JavaScript, React, C#, and ASP.NET, and he is active on Twitter as @housecor.
- HoloLens http://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-hololens/en-us
- WebComponents http://webcomponents.org/
- WebComponents Polyfills http://webcomponents.org/polyfills/
- WebComponents Specification on GitHub https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents
- Polymer https://www.polymer-project.org/
- HTML5 Rocks http://www.html5rocks.com/en/
- Component Kitchen http://component.kitchen/
- Cory's Pluralsight Course on Web Components http://www.pluralsight.com/courses/web-components-shadow-dom