Glimpse V2 with Anthony van der Hoorn and Nik Molnar
Glimpse is moving to version 2! Carl and Richard chat with Anthony van der Hoorn and Nik Molnar about the latest version of Glimpse and what moving from version 1 to 2 really means. Still in beta, Glimpse V2 is very much a rethink of how you instrument a client while still keeping what you love about V1 - a great dashboard to understand what's going on with your web app. Anthony and Nik talk through the changes and the power of taking everything you've learned about a project to a clean slate. Glimpse is only getting better, you need to check it out!

Anthony van der Hoorn
Anthony van der Hoorn is a principal developer at Microsoft. Most recently, he has been working on realtime collaboration and development tools - being a founding member of both Visual Studio Live Share, and GitHub Codespaces. Day-to-day he is mostly responsible for the backend architecture and infrastructure which drives these products. He has bounced between living and working in New York City, and his home town of Brisbane, Australia - he's back in the USA, making his home in Portland, OR.

Nik Molnar
Nik Molnar lives in Austin Texas and is a husband, father and program manager at Microsoft working on Visual Studio Online. In his spare time, he can be found cooking up a storm in the kitchen, watching baseball, speaking at conferences, and working on open source.
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