Marten on PostGres with Jeremy Miller
What's missing from most document data storage technology? Carl and Richard talk to Jeremy Miller about Marten, an open source document data store library that runs on top of PostGreSQL. Why would you run a document store on top of a relational database? For the features! Jeremy talks about how PostGreSQL brings the backup systems, development tooling and all that DevOps goodness to Marten. Under the hood, documents are stored as JSONB files - better than BLOBs, they're actually searchable JSON. You can treat Marten like a pure document store, or go under the hood and write SQL. Another cool way to up your data storage game!

Jeremy Miller
Jeremy Miller started his career as a “real” engineer but wandered into software because that looked like more fun. Since then, Jeremy has worked in and led software development teams in the computer manufacturing industry, finance, insurance, health care, and banking industries. Lately, Jeremy has been focused on leading software architecture teams and helping mentor other software architects. Having had roles both as an in-house software architect and as a software consultant, Jeremy has a great deal of insight into the challenges that confront companies developing and maintaining enterprise systems over time. Jeremy is well known for his Open-Source Software tools starting with Structure Map and continuing today to Marten and Wolverine. Jeremy is also a frequent author and technical speaker at software conferences and can be found at
- CircuitScribe
- PostgreSQL
- Marten
- RavenDB
- JSON DataTypes in PostGres
- DataGrip
- Dapper Simple Object Mapper
- npgsql .NET Data Provider for PostgreSQL
- Marten on GitHub
- Jeremy Miller's Blog
- .NET Fringe