.NET Startups with Alec Lazarescu
Are there startups running .NET? Sure! Carl and Richard talk to Alec Lazarescu about his experience running LearnBop. The applications are built in .NET, but being a startup is about more than just programming languages. Alec talks about having the agility of a startup, being able to rapidly scale while tightly controlling costs - there's only so much money in a startup! To get startup dynamics, you need to look beyond just Microsoft tools - Alec's team uses tools like Chef, which comes from the Linux world. Blending the two communities together has its own challenges, but the results are worth it!

Alec Lazarescu
Alec Lazarescu is a 17 year veteran of the digital education domain as a software engineer, DBA, director, and chief architect. He’s currently CTO of LearnBop, a .NET based K-12 education startup. His passion is helping people learn and work more effectively aided by technology and lean, data-driven principles. Alec has spoken at Amazon, Microsoft, the NYC CTO Summit and various events. He has served as an organizer for various community events in NY and NJ including the energized 300+ crowd at SQLSaturday NYC. Alec can be found at @alec1a on twitter, his blog <a href="http://www.pragmaticdevops.com/">http://www.pragmaticdevops.com/</a> and also contributing on <a href="http://devops.com">http://devops.com</a>.
- Squirrel https://github.com/Squirrel
- Pragmatic DevOps http://www.pragmaticdevops.com/
- Chef https://www.chef.io/
- RayGun https://raygun.io/
- TeamCity https://www.jetbrains.com/teamcity/
- RunDeck http://rundeck.org/
- ELK Stack https://www.elastic.co/webinars/introduction-elk-stack
- Splunk http://www.splunk.com/
- Bop for Families http://go.learnbop.com/learnbop-for-families