Thinking Voice Control with Austin Dimmer
Has voice control come of age? Carl and Richard talk to Austin Dimmer about his efforts to build a great voice control system - including for Visual Studio! The conversation digs into the complexity of recognizing a diversity of voices and being fast enough to get the words right. Then the hard stuff: How to keep words in context so that you can derive enough meaning from them to be useful. This isn't just about transcription, it's about control. Austin also talks about all the different voice-related products that Microsoft makes, it can be a confusing landscape. Is it time for voice to be part of your application?

Austin Dimmer
Austin Dimmer is the founder and technical CEO of Effective Computing. He holds an M.Sc. in Ergonomics and a B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering. He is a certified specialist in Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions and also a Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer for the Windows Universal Platform. For the last nine years he has dedicated his life to creating the best possible voice command system that runs on the Windows platform. He can speak English, Russian, Spanish and French. Austin’s final claim to fame is that he was a member of Team Polar Storm who raced more than 600km to reach the Magnetic North Pole on the 2006 Sony Polar Challenge. The Polar Challenge was, at that time, the most dangerous and grueling endurance race on the planet. As part of it he raised more than $20,000 for orphans in Ukraine.
- Gaming Headset
- Sennheiser ME 3
- UWP Audio Fundamentals
- nAudio
- Bing Speech API
- Cortana SDK
- VoiceShortCuts