.NET Summer Hackfest with Jon Galloway
It's summer in the northern hemisphere, are you ready to get hacking? Carl and Richard chat with the new executive director of the .NET Foundation, Jon Galloway. The conversation starts out talking about the Foundation itself, why it exists and what it does for the .NET open source community as a whole. The Foundation is where .NET Core, C# and more all live, as well as many awesome third party projects. Then to the Summer Hackfest, where the Foundation is providing support to get developers working on open source projects - if you've got one in mind, check out the links below and make a submission!

Jon Galloway
Jon Galloway is the Executive Director of the .NET Foundation. He’s been a professional developer since the late 90’s, spending most of that time on ASP.NET. He’s been at Microsoft since 2009, speaking and teaching at worldwide events, Microsoft Virtual Academy courses, writing training kits, and helping to build conference keynote demos. He’s one of the hosts on the Herding Code podcast and has written some books about ASP.NET MVC. His hobbies include writing biographical blurbs and speaking in the third person.
- JustAssembly http://www.telerik.com/justassembly
- .NET Summer Hackfest 2017 https://aka.ms/dotnetsummer
- Herding Code http://herdingcode.com/
- .NET Foundation https://dotnetfoundation.org/
- Ketofest http://ketofest.com
- .NET Foundation on GitHub https://github.com/dotnet
- AutoMapper http://automapper.org/
- Humanitarian Toolbox http://www.htbox.org/
- MvvmCross https://www.mvvmcross.com/
- GitHub Flow https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/
- Up for Grabs http://up-for-grabs.net