.NET Rocks!

Antifragility in Software Architecture with Barry O'Reilly

Episode #1554 Thursday, June 14, 2018

Everything fails eventually - how do you recover? Carl and Richard talk to Barry O'Reilly about building anti-fragile systems. Anti-fragility is the philosophy of accepting that things can break and you need to be able to detect and recover from that failure, whatever form it might take. Barry talks about the four aspects of anti-fragility: redundancy, diversity, modularity and loose-coupling. They're all common terms, but understanding how to do them well within your system is a challenge. How reliable do you need to be? What's an acceptable level of failure? This is what modern software systems are all about!


Barry O'Reilly

Barry O’Reilly is the founder of Black Tulip Technology and creator of 'Residuality Theory'. He has held Chief Architect roles at Microsoft's Western Europe Consultancy Practice among others, been Microsoft’s IOT TAP Lead for Western Europe, and Worldwide Lead for Microsoft’s Solution Architecture Community. He has also been a startup CTO, and was a founder of Sweden’s Azure User Group. He is currently finishing up a PhD in Complexity Science and Software Design.


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