Teaching Experienced Developers with Clare Sudbery
How do developers learn? While at NDC, Carl and Richard talk to Clare Sudbery about her experiences helping developers learn. The conversation digs into various learning models, the challenges of coming up with standards for education in software and what we can do to get better. Clare talks about how organizations need to create a culture that allow their people to not know things so that there is room to learn - once that culture is in place, things get much simpler!
Clare Sudbery
Clare Sudbery is a lead consultant developer with Thoughtworks in the UK. She is an ex high school maths teacher, and is on a mission to help others love their jobs as much as she does. She wants to embrace learning, banish intellectual elitism, facilitate physchological safety, and celebrate diversity in all its forms. She tweets using @ClareSudbery, and blogs at both https://medium.com/a-woman-in-technology and https://insimpleterms.blog/. She dreams in code and can never remember the name of anything. She is the last person you want on your pub quiz team.
- Scheduler Errors https://www.reddit.com/r/programminghorror/comments/ai7der/found_out_that_our_scheduler_ran_into_errors_here/
- Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/
- NRICH https://nrich.maths.org/
- 3D Trig Animation on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovLbCvq7FNA
- Tangram https://www.tangram-channel.com/
- The Lucky 10,000 https://xkcd.com/1053/
- Scratch https://scratch.mit.edu/
- Refactoring by Martin Fowler https://martinfowler.com/books/refactoring.html
- European Testing Conference https://europeantestingconference.eu/2019/