Ethics of AI in 2020 Panel from NDC London
It's 2020, and AI technology is all around us. What are the consequences? While at NDC London, Carl and Richard hosted a panel discussion with Tess Ferrandez, Brandon Satrom and Evelina Gabasova about the state of AI today and the ethical considerations we have to think about, including bias in data, impact on work and decision making. As it was recorded in front of an audience, there are questions from the audience toward the end of the show!

Tess Ferrandez
Tess is a developer evangelist at Microsoft and her job is to inspire developers and help them use the Microsoft products to their full potential. Right now the focus is on Windows Phone, Kinect, HTML5 and web apps, and she has a long history as a developer and debugger. She runs a popular blog about debugging and development at and you can reach her through the twitter handle @tessferrandez.

Brandon Satrom
Brandon Satrom works for Particle, an IoT platform company focused on helping developers solve real problems. A longtime front-end developer and aspiring maker and hardware guy, Brandon loves to help software folks learn to love the world of hardware.

Evelina Gabasova
Evelina Gabasova is a machine learning researcher working in bioinformatics and statistical genomics. She is developing mathematical models which integrate different types of genomic data to distinguish cancer subtypes. She studied computational statistics and machine learning at University College London and currently she is finishing her PhD at Cambridge University in the MRC Biostatistics Unit. Evelina has used many different languages to implement machine learning algorithms, such as Matlab, R or Python. In the end, F# is her favourite and she uses it frequently for data manipulation and exploratory analysis. She writes a blog on F# in data science at You can also find her on Twitter as @evelgab.