jQuery is Obsolete with Chris Love
Still using jQuery? Chris Love asks why! Carl and Richard chat with Chris Love about modern web development; and the fact that what jQuery does today is largely built into JavaScript. Chris talks about the state of JavaScript back in 2006 when jQuery first came along and how the move to HTML 5 and more mature versions of JavaScript have moved the bar far enough that you can let it go. So why is adoption still growing? Often jQuery and other libraries are included by reflex, not thought. Time to do some thinking!

Chris Love
Chris Love is a front-end developer for people and companies who are lost in the sea of modern web and user experience standards. He has a quarter century of web development experience, and has built a wide variety of web sites and applications in those years. In recent years, he immersed himself in responsive web design, single-page web applications and web performance optimization.
He applies these interests to run a small web consulting company, Love2Dev, that focuses on user-first web applications that operate on all device classes and usage contexts. Love2Dev offers web development and analysis to help companies engage end users and operate more efficiently.
Chris authored 3 web development books including, High Performance Single Page Web Applications, http://amzn.to/1b0twcm. He is a Microsoft MVP, ASP Insider and Edge User Agent. Chris regularly speaks at user groups, code camps and developer conferences. He blogs at http://love2dev.com
- HTML5 Canvas API implementation for Microsoft Blazor https://github.com/BlazorExtensions/Canvas
- Love2Dev https://love2dev.com/
- HTTP Archive https://httparchive.org/
- jQuery https://jquery.com/
- When Kik Got Pulled https://qz.com/646467/how-one-programmer-broke-the-internet-by-deleting-a-tiny-piece-of-code/
- WASI: Web Assembly outside the browser https://wasi.dev/
- Modernizr https://modernizr.com/
- WASI https://wasi.dev/