Learning Dapr with Haishi Bai
Build better distributed apps with Dapr! Carl and Richard talk to Haishi Bai about his work on Dapr, the open-source framework for building microservices with an event-driven, portable runtime. Haishi talks about the challenges of building modern distributed apps, with elements running in the cloud, on PCs, mobile, and IoT devices. There's also a variety of languages, platforms, and patterns as well. Dapr sits in the middle, abstracting away specific services so that you can keep your app running where ever it needs to be. Check it out!

Haishi Bai
Haishi Bai is a Principal Software Architect at Microsoft working on innovative projects across cloud and edge. He’s been coding for over 30 years and has been working as a software professional for 23 years. He’s a believer in continuous learning and open knowledge sharing. He’s authored 9 cloud computing books. And he’s been a volunteer teacher at high schools for 4 years teaching programming skills. He’s the co-creator of open source projects such as OAM and Dapr.
- YoloBox https://www.yololiv.com/
- SlingStudio https://www.myslingstudio.com/
- Serverless https://www.serverless.com/
- Dapper ORM https://dapper-tutorial.net/
- Dapr.io https://dapr.io/
- Kubernetes https://kubernetes.io/
- Akka Actor Framework https://getakka.net/
- Dapr on GitHub https://github.com/dapr/dapr
- Dapr Community https://gitter.im/Dapr/community
- Service Fabric https://azure.microsoft.com/services/service-fabric/
- Dapr Plugin for Visual Studio Code https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-azuretools.vscode-dapr
- Dapr on NuGet https://www.nuget.org/profiles/dapr.io
- Learning Dapr https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/learning-dapr/9781492072416/