Flutter for Windows with Chris Sells
Episode #1784
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Flutter comes to Windows! Carl and Richard talk to Chris Sells about the latest incarnation of Flutter which now has desktop support for Windows. Flutter has been around for a few years helping to build mobile apps in iOS and Android with a unified codebase. But now it also supports deployment as a web app, and as a Windows app, and soon, MacOS and Linux. Chris talks about how Flutter provides for hardware abstraction that has allowed the ecosystem to support even more platforms, and build libraries to take Flutter in all sorts of directions.

Chris Sells
Chris Sells is an advocate for developers, a Flutter fanatic and a consultant in applied AI and developer tools and ecosystems. He enjoys long walks on the beach and various technologies.
- GC Class https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.gc?view=netframework-2.0#unmanaged
- Flutter for Windows https://flutter.dev/events/flutter-update-windows
- Flutter on .NET Rocks in 2018 https://dotnetrocks.com/?show=1513
- Chris' Blog Post on Flutter 2.1 https://medium.com/flutter/whats-new-in-flutter-2-10-5aafb0314b12
- Flutter Live https://developers.google.com/events/flutter-live
- Flame Game Engine for Flutter https://flame-engine.org/