.NET Rocks!

How Simple is as Simple as Possible with Mark Rendle

Episode #1916 Thursday, September 19, 2024

How simple can you make software development? Carl and Richard talk to Mark Rendle about his focus on simplicity in building software - as simple as possible. Mark talks about the tendency of developers, sometimes through no fault of their own, to use what is new and cool in development, regardless of how practical or necessary it actually is. The conversation digs into the ongoing battle around cloud-native development using technologies like Kubernetes. You can be cloud native with more straightforward approaches! The same applies to web frameworks - there are lots of choices. Build as little as necessary!


Mark Rendle

Mark Rendle is the founder of RendleLabs, which provides consulting services and workshops to .NET development teams across all industries. His particular obsessions are API design and development, performance, Observability and code-base modernisation. He also uses skills acquired during a few years as a professional stand-up comic to deliver entertaining and informative talks at conferences around the world, and recently learned to play bass so he could join tech parody band The LineBreakers.


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