Event Modeling with Adam Dymirtuk
How can event modeling help you build better applications? Carl and Richard talk to Adam Dymitruk about Event Sourcing and Event Modeling, including the new book Understanding Eventsourcing. Adam talks about thinking through business workflows as an approach to event sourcing, where new data is constantly added, never modified. These data streams can then be modeled into different workflows following consistent patterns that make your application straightforward to build and maintain. It does take effort to change your thinking to the event source/model approach but with huge potential!
Adam Dymitruk
Adam Dymitruk is the CEO of Adaptech Group and the creator of Event Modeling. With over three decades of experience in software development and architecture, Adam is an expert in event-driven systems and Event Sourcing. He has been instrumental in advancing these methodologies, particularly through his work on Event Modeling, which provides a transparent, inclusive and collaborative approach to system design. Adam is a frequent speaker at international conferences and has contributed significantly to the evolution of responsible, efficient system design and implementation in the software industry.
- Chefs Making Waves https://boston.chefsmakingwaves.com/
- CQRS Journey Guide https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=34774
- Martin Fowler Event Sourcing https://martinfowler.com/eaaDev/EventSourcing.html
- Akka.NET https://getakka.net/
- Understanding Eventsourcing https://leanpub.com/eventmodeling-and-eventsourcing
- Miro Whiteboard https://miro.com/whiteboard/
- Windows Workflow Foundation https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/windows-workflow-foundation/