Dan Appleman Talks About Discoverability!
Episode #225
Monday, April 2, 2007
Carl and Richard catch up with Dan Appleman at Devconnections in Orlando. The big topic is the discoverability of pertinent information through search engines. His solution? You'll have to listen to find out.

Dan Appleman
Dan Appleman is a well known author, software developer and speaker. He is the founder and CEO of Desaware Inc., a developer of add-on products and components for Microsoft Visual Studio. He is a Microsoft Visual Basic MVP, webmaster of SearchDotNet.com, one of the cofounders of APress publishing, and is the author of numerous books and ebooks including "How Computer Programming Works" and "Always use Protection: A teen's Guide to Safe Computing.
- Search Dot Net http://searchdotnet.com
- Developer Job - DC (mmj) http://www.intellectualhedonism.com/2007/03/07/ASPNETGurusWantedInWashingtonDC.aspx