Ayende Does Transactions with RavenDB
Episode #650
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Carl and Richard talk to Oren Eini, aka Ayende Rahein, about RavenDB. RavenDB is a NoSQL JSON document database. Oren explains how he came to the realization that he needed to build his own data store, and the advantages of document databases over relational databases. Is SQL dead? Not hardly, but RavenDB is an interesting addition to your data solution!

Oren Eini
Oren Eini is the author of RavenDB, a very popular NoSQL database, and is also a leading figure in other well known open source projects including NHibernate, Rhino Mocks,the Rhino Tools Suite and the Castle project.
Oren Eini has years of experience in the development world with a strong focus on architecture and best practices that promote quality software and zero-friction development.
- Ayende's Blog http://ayende.com/Blog/default.aspx
- Raven DB website http://www.ravendb.net/
- ESENT on Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensible_Storage_Engine