James Dawson and Grace Mollison Bridge the Gap Between Developers and Operations
Carl and Richard talk to James Dawson and Grace Mollison about the DevOps movement. DevOps is about developers and operations personnel working closely together to deliver higher quality, more reliable applications.

James Dawson
James Dawson is a consultant who loves having one foot in the operations camp and the other in development - seeing both sides of that equation really helps provide a complete view of the software lifecycle. James has his roots in IT Operations so when his career progressed into consulting, over 12 years ago, it was natural for him to bring his experiences from that realm and apply them to the development space. As well as bringing his obsession for automation and consistency to the software development lifecycle, he helps bridge the often fractious relationship between development and operations teams to build more effective collaboration towards those common business goals.

Grace Mollison
Grace Mollison bridges the gap between Infrastructure and Development by supporting developers, implementing build processes, being a liason between all parties on platform related activities, and taking responsibility for deployment. In a word, she's a DevOp. Grace also has a slightly unhealthy obsession with Public cloud solutions.
- James Dawson Blog http://readsource.co.uk/
- Grace Mollison Blog http://devopscloud.net/
- IT Skeptic Blog http://www.itskeptic.org/
- Patrick Debois Blog http://www.jedi.be/blog/
- Chef http://www.opscode.com/chef/
- Planet DevOps http://www.planetdevops.net/