Ian Felton Aids School Marching Bands with Technology
Carl and Richard talk to Ian Felton about his charity efforts. Ian talks about exercising different programming skills on different charitable projects so that he has a chance to get code into production with a lower set of demands. Ian also talks about a charity he started called Marching Mountains for getting used instruments out of closets and into the hands of students in marching bands of disadvantaged counties in Appalachia. Ian's message to us is to get involved in something you're passionate about!

Ian Felton
Ian Felton became interested in technology at age 15, when he started building PCs. He broke open a TurboC book and installed a C compiler on a 286. After learning Pascal and ADA in college, he added Perl and JavaScript to his tech skills while working as an intern on an educational project for NASA. Lately he's focused on polyglot programming, database thaw, RESTful APIs and CQRS with Erlang. Ian now has 14 years professional experience writing software while working on global initiatives for the US Department of Defense, Thomson Reuters, Mylan Pharmaceuticals, US Bank, Trane and many more. During the time, he's become an expert on website accessibility, educating and training executives on the topic. In 2008, Ian started a non-profit to aid public school band programs in distressed counties of Appalachia, where he's from. Using the technology he's passionate about he's helped raise awareness of an issue he cares deeply about.
- Visual Studio 2012 Pre-defined Keyboard Shortcuts http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/da5kh0wa.aspx
- Marching Mountains Charity http://marchingmountains.org/