Glenn Block Goes Open Source with ScriptCS
Carl and Richard talk to Glenn Block about his open source project called ScriptCS. Glenn talks about his inspiration for the project, taking the principles of node.js and applying it to C#, using the RoslynCTP. The conversation digs into the speed at which ScriptCS has taken off - at the time of the recording it had only been around for a week and there were 18 contributors on GitHub! This is the non-subdued version of Glenn Block we all know and love!

Glenn Block
Glenn Block is a seasoned leader with 20 years+ experience in software engineering and product management. He currently works at Microsoft on the Core Ecosystem Team where his team is responsible for Microsoft Graph and several services in M365. In the past Glenn has been a big supporter of the developer and open source community and was an early adopter of Open Source at Microsoft. He is passionate about moving the ball forward for creating a more inclusive and safe environment in tech. He invests a large amount of his energy in mentoring and advising in particular for black women / folks from marginalized groups, and is actively working to change the status quo. He is a lifelong learner and is currently pursuing his Exec MBA at Seattle University. Glenn lives with his wife and 16 year old daughter in Seattle.
- Twilio
- Glenn Block's Blog Post on ScriptCS
- scriptcs on github
- ScriptCS web site