Automating Deployment with Papadimoulis and Kuemerle
Carl and Richard talk to Joe Kuermerle and Alex Papadimoulis about automating deployment as the path to a DevOps world. The conversation starts out talking about the real impact of DevOps, bringing developers and operations folks closer together. A key part of the process is to automate everything you can, including deployment. Part of the conversation is BuildMaster, which is free for up to five seats, providing the glue to get automated deployment working effectively. You need the process and culture to have DevOps make sense, and then good tools can accelerate the process. This is the future of application development! Don't forget to activate your MSDN Azure account and be automatically entered to win an Aston Martin V8 Vantage!

Joe Kuemerle
Joe Kuemerle is a developer and speaker in the Cleveland, Ohio area specializing in .NET development, security, database and application lifecycle topics. Joe has experience in a variety of systems ranging from internal enterprise applications to trading floor systems as well as multiple commercial software products. Joe is active in the technical community as well as a speaker at local, regional and national events. He is on the board of the Cleveland .NET Developers group and is working to return a Day of .NET event to the Northeast Ohio area. Joe blogs at and is on Twitter as @jkuemerle.
Alex Papadimoulis
Alex Papadimoulis is a speaker and writer who's passionate about looking beyond the code to build great software. In addition to founding Inedo - the makers of BuildMaster, the popular DevOps platform - Alex also started The Daily WTF, a fun site dedicated to building software the wrong way.
- .NET Multi-Tier Application in Azure
- MSDN Azure Sweepstakes
- BuildMaster
- TFS as a Service
- Lean Startup