MongoDB on Azure with Mark Greenway
Carl and Richard chat with Mark Greenway about his work using MongoDB on Azure. The conversation starts out talking about fundamentals - why NoSQL? From there, Mark talks about his web based application, running as an Azure web site, that started out using SQL Azure, until he ran across MongoDB. Now his application uses both, but in the future, he sees it all as MongoDB. NoSQL in the cloud!

Mark Greenway
As a lone developer, Mark Greenway is often free to try out new tools and techniques on the cutting edge of development. He once deployed code to production, while on a plane, using dropbox and his cellphone. This has given him a great perspective on how various tools interact and enables him to solve interesting problems throughout the development stack. From Backbone to Mongo and everything in between, Mark's done a bit of everything. He's also a passionate speaker and active in the Columbus, OH development community. You can follow him at @markKgreenway
- Interview on
- mongoDB
- mongolab
- Lehmann Aviation LA300