Google Analytics and Azure with Zoiner Tejada
While at DevIntersection in Orlando, Carl and Richard sat down to chat with Zoiner Tejada about his work instrumenting cloud-based web sites. Zoiner talks about using a wide variety of features in Google Analytics to instrument his Azure apps, including going directly to the Analytics APIs to do instrumentation of other kinds of apps, connecting up just about anything that can speak HTTP! The second half of the conversation dives into utilizing this analysis - with a long chat about what a real Minimal Viable Product means and how the Lean Startup principles can be abused. Great conversation from a brilliant guy!

Zoiner Tejada
Zoiner Tejada has more than 20 years of experience in the software industry as a software architect, CTO, start-up CEO and venture investor, with particular expertise in cloud computing, big data, analytics, and machine learning. Beyond managing Solliance, Zoiner spends much of his time leading an expert team of data scientists and data engineers building sophisticated data pipelines for advanced analytics, capturing the best practices and learnings which the team delivers in trainings and hackathons to all sizes of customers. He was among the first to receive a Microsoft Azure MVP (“Most Valuable Professional”) designation and has since been awarded the MVP for eight consecutive years, including a dual MVP award for Azure and Data Platform and most recently for Artificial Intelligence (AI). Additionally, he is recognized by Microsoft as a Microsoft Regional Director. He received his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Stanford University in the height of the dot-com bubble.
- Dynamic Blobs and Uploading Files
- Solliance
- Zoiner's Blog
- Google Analytics
- Measurement Protocol Developer Guide