More CSS than JavaScript with Trevan Hetzel
Carl and Richard talk to Trevan Hetzel about writing CSS code to do JavaScript work in modern web pages. When you're a coder, you tend to code. When you're a designer, you're more likely to style. Trevan discusses the many things that CSS can do that most coders tend to write JavaScript for instead. And once you see what's possible in CSS, the question drills in on - is this a good idea? Are we writing JavaScript that is better served as a behaviour in a style? Where do you want your stuff to live? Trevan also digs into a bunch of great tools for taking your CSS to a higher level, check them out in the show notes!

Trevan Hetzel
Trevan Hetzel is a front-end developer with a focus on designing and building scalable responsive sites. A big passion of his is to push the perceived limits of CSS to do things a lot of developers use JavaScript for (things like click events). Trevan works remotely from Iowa at appendTo as a visual design engineer, helping enterprise level companies create responsive sites. On top of front-end development, his roots lie in user interface design and he still enjoys throwing pixels around in Photoshop. Outside of the web world, Trevan enjoys spending time with his wife and two young boys, reading and racing dirt bikes.
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