The New Digital Watch with Jon Stark
Carl and Richard talk to Jonathan Stark about the wearable landscape today. But first, a crazy story about a Starbucks card. Jon is the guy behind Jonathan's Card, where he put a Starbucks card online for folks to add money to and buy coffee with. Crazy! Next up is a deep dig into the spectrum of watch like devices available today - Samsung Gear, Pebble, the Apple Watch and more! The variety of programming opportunities is just getting bigger.
Jonathan Stark
Jonathan Stark is a mobile strategy consultant who helps CEOs transition their business to mobile. Jonathan is the author of three books on mobile and web development, most notably O'Reilly's "Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript" which is available in seven languages. His Jonathan's Card experiment made international headlines by combining mobile payments with social giving to create a "pay it forward" coffee movement at Starbucks locations all over the U.S. He is also the host of the "Ditching Hourly" podcast.
- FaceShift
- Jon's Blog
- Samsung Gear
- Pebble Watch
- Activite