Lean Functional with Bryan Hunter
Isn't all functional programming lean? What does that even mean? While at NDC, Carl and Richard chatted with Bryan Hunter about lean principles and how they apply to functional programming. After a quick debate around the merits of object-oriented programming vs functional programming, the conversation turns to the history and principles of lean. Bryan shows how lean informs your approaches to programming, how you can evaluate your tooling and techniques to build the best software possible. Is functional programming the ultimate manifestation of lean?

Bryan Hunter
Bryan Hunter is a geek, a partner at Firefly Logic, the founder of NashFP, and a Microsoft MVP in F#. Bryan is obsessed with functional programming, community building and Lean. He has been speaking on each of these subjects tirelessly for years at meetups, pubs, user groups, and conferences. You can say hi to Bryan on Twitter (@bryan_hunter) and see what Firefly Logic is all about here: http://fireflylogic.com
- C# Gotchas http://stackoverflow.com/questions/241134/what-is-the-worst-gotcha-in-c-sharp-or-net
- Scratch https://scratch.mit.edu/
- GeekHarvest http://geekharvest.org/
- ThatConference https://www.thatconference.com/
- Toyota Production System http://www.amazon.com/Toyota-Production-System-Beyond-Large-Scale/dp/0915299143
- Idris http://www.idris-lang.org/