.NET Rocks!

Barkol, Gallo, and Vavilalla on ASP.NET AJAX

Episode #235 Tuesday, May 8, 2007

David Barkol, Alessandro Gallo, and Rama Krishna Vavilala talk about ASP.NET AJAX, and thier upcoming book ASP.NET AJAX in Action from Manning Publications.


David Barkol

David Barkol is a Principal Consultant for Neudesic, one of Microsoft's leading .NET professional service firms and a Gold Certified Partner. At Neudesic, David specializes in providing custom .NET solutions that leverage technologies such as ASP.NET, Web Services, Windows Forms, SQL Server and C#. A frequent speaker at code camps and .NET user groups in Southern California, David is also one of the authors for the upcoming book ASP.NET AJAX In Action. An MCSD in .NET and avid urban hang glider, David resides in tropical La Palma, CA with his wife Emily and two daughters Miranda and Madeline. His blog can be found at http://weblogs.asp.net/davidbarkol

Alessandro Gallo

Alessandro "Garbin" Gallo is a Microsoft MVP in the Visual ASP/ASP.NET category and has been an active contributor for the Ajax Control Toolkit project. As a .NET developer/consultant with a primary focus on ASP.NET application design and development, Alessandro has been developing with ASP.NET AJAX since the very first CTP. Notably, he won the Grand Prize at the Mash-it-up with ASP.NET AJAX contest held by Microsoft in 2006.

Rama Krishna Vavilala

Rama Krishna Vavilala is a senior software developer/architect at 3C Software, a leading supplier of Cost Management Solutions. He has designed and developed three different versions of Impact:ECST (3C Software's product suite). Currently, he is designing an Ajax-based web application using ASP.NET AJAX. This application will be a part of the Impact:ECST suite. He is a regular contributor at The Code Project and has contributed around 20 articles on wide ranging subjects.


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