David Hayden on the Unity Framework
David Hayden talks to Carl and Richard about the Microsoft Unity Framework
David Hayden
David Hayden is an independent consultant in Sarasota, Florida offering consulting, mentoring, and development services on architecture and best practices in .NET. David is a Microsoft MVP in C#, speaker, MSDN Forum Moderator, Enterprise Library Community Leader, and advisor to Microsoft Patterns & Practices. He spends much of his time helping companies and development teams leverage the proven practices and productivity benefits of Enterprise Library and Software Factories. In addition to his personal blogs at DavidHayden.com and CodeBetter.com, David also runs PnPGuidance.net, which offers numerous articles, screencasts, sample downloads and other resources covering best practices in .NET.
- David's Screencast on Unity http://www.davidhayden.com/screencasts/Hayden-Unity.wmv