F# in Your Organization with Kit Eason
Episode #885
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Carl and Richard talk to Kit Eason about how you can get your organization using F#. Kit talks about his work using F# and how he retrained himself to use the language effectively. It only takes a few days! He makes some awesome suggestions for approaches to learning the language effectively and the advantages that it brings. We're living in a polyglot world where the best language is used in its best role... and F# has a role!
Kit Eason
Kit works for a major actuarial and financial services consultancy. Kit works in F# and C# to deliver rich, high performance predictive models. He talks about F# to anyone who will listen - which is not everybody! He is a regular speaker at 'SkillsMatter' in London.
- Carl's File Uploader http://carlfranklin.net/blog/2013/6/20/carls-file-uploader-a-nice-little-file-uploader-for-htmljsjq.html
- Kit's Blog http://www.kiteason.com/blogengine27/
- Project Euler http://projecteuler.net/
- FsUnit on GitHub https://github.com/dmohl/FsUnit
- F# on Build Machines http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/36cd9d73-0bfc-4d8c-8614-026f9b9b7002/f-compiler-bug-in-standalone-deployments
- NashFP http://nashfp.org/
- Agent Watches http://agentwatches.com/