Private Cloud and Age of Context with Robert Scoble
A flash from the past! Carl and Richard chat with Robert Scoble! Carl and Robert go back to the VBits days and the beginning of the public internet, the first blogs and Robert's time at Microsoft. Then the conversation turns briefly to Robert's work at Rackspace and their attempt to make the cloud even better. Robert also talks about his book the Age of Context, the stories they collected to create the book and a vision of the future!
Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble is a geek who grew up in the Silicon Valley (his dad was an engineer at Lockheed) and since 1985 he has been building online communities. In 2000 Robert started his technology blog and his life has been on a rocketship ever since. In 2003-2006 Robert worked at Microsoft as an evangelist and one of the five guys who started Microsoft's famous Channel9 video community. Today Robert works at Rackspace as the Startup Liaison Officer, traveling the world to study and make media about world-changing startups. You can find Robert's videos on
- FSharp MVC on GitHub
- Rackspace
- ObjectRocket
- Spritz